Octopus DevotionaLuxe Pearl Bracelet

Octopus DevotionaLuxe Pearl Bracelet


Octopus DevotionaLuxe Bracelet

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Strung with 8-9 mm Genuine Fresh Water Pearls

Elastic Stretch Cord and sterling silver plated crystal accents

Pearls signify faith, charity and innocence. They enhance personal integrity and help to provide a focus to one's attention. Pearls symbolize purity and are known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. The color white signifies spirituality, brilliance and illumination.

The octopus animal totem symbolizes purity, emotional, psychic and creativity. The octopus spirit guide is also known to be symbolic of a keen spiritual psyche and inspires others to channel theirs.