Evil Eye DevotionaLuxe Pearl Bracelet

Evil Eye DevotionaLuxe Pearl Bracelet


Evil Eye White Pearl Bracelet

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Strung with 8-9 mm White Freshwater Pearls

Elastic stretch cord with blown glass evil eye & silver metal alloy crystal accents

The evil eye is an ancient symbol that protects the wearer from the evil eye of others. By wearing the evil eye, you project the "good eye" which designates an attitude of good will and kindness towards others. Someone who has this attitude in life will rejoice when his fellow man prospers; (s)he will wish everyone well.

Pearls signify faith, charity and innocence. They enhance personal integrity and help to provide a focus to one's attention. Pearls symbolize purity and are known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”.